So if you haven't heard already, Sony purchased Bungie. The makers of the original Halo games, but currently the makers of all things Destiny.
Sony acquiring Bungie might seem like a rebuttal to Microsoft's purchase of Activision Blizzard, but these things don't happen overnight. This was most likely awhile coming, likely meaning both Microsoft and Sony were simultaneously up to no good, but the difference being Microsoft used a lot more ponies for their purchase ($68.7 billion ponies) compared to this much lower amount of $3.6 billion.
Now you may have noticed in the title that there was a shrug mentioned. That's due to this being very trivial in the grand scheme of anything and everything. Sure the money is a lot, but Sony and Microsoft have both purchased companies multiple times in the past. Activision has a lot more value and it cost a lot more because they have so many IPs and franchises tied to them. Bungie doesn't have any rights to Halo as they left the game that made them. Destiny carries little weight and the rumor mill of them having a new original IP means little right now. There's no knowledge released yet so whoop-de-do. Also if it sucks and no one cares, then Destiny 3 is literally all they have in games.
Now, outside of the gaming industry is where this purchase may matter. Who knows this could just be for merchandise or film related. Maybe something akin to Arcane but within Destiny's lore. Difficult to speculate now this is young padawan. I will also throw in when Valve purchased the Firewatch company/team, they used them for Half-Life Alyx. So don't rule out that Sony likes the way they work and want them for other games entirely.
Let us know your thoughts below on this acquisition. Does this matter? Does anyone really care? I suppose the recent surge in companies buying other large companies could matter. Disney buying everyone has mattered for both good and bad. I don't really think anyone outside of Destiny fanatics on Xbox will really be affected by this. I'm sure by next week we'll already have moved on as this is just another shrug in the industry.
Nintendo just be sitting back in their red "M" recliner with popcorn in hand while Sony and Microsoft having a "sword" contest to see whose is bigger, I mean better, I mean....