Catch all games in the Metro series on a steep sale right now for a limited time. Already conveniently located on Steam. No third party seller necessary.
Image copyright 4A Games
A brief summary for those that may not know. The "Redux" versions are improved versions of the original games using higher quality textures and lighting for more modern visuals.
All games in the series are terrific and unique in their own ways. Besides Exodus, they are very linear corridor FPS games, even Exodus at times can be as well. I would recommend starting with 2033 then working your way through Last Light and finally to Exodus. It is not required but story elements and characters will make a lot more sense and you'll have more attachments to them going in versus not caring at all.
For the quickest game scores ever, in order of release date:
2033: 8/10 Last Light: 8.5/10 Exodus: 8.5/10
Personally loved Exodus but I will note, I've had issues with crashing (especially in the first open area of the game) and problems with trophies not unlocking (even for required story progress). This is only for Metro Exodus, not the prior two games or Redux verisions of those games.
Metro Saga Bundle (All 3 games in 1)
Metro Exodus
Metro Last Light (Redux)
Metro 2033 (Redux)
DLC for Metro Exodus
Sam's Story
The Two Colonels
Expansion Pass